upcoming messages

Join us each Sunday at 10:00 AM.  You can also watch by live stream or later you can watch on our Sunday Messages page.

  • Kingdom greatness    january 26

    How can we be great in the Kingdom of God? You say, "I can’t do much." But in the Kingdom of God, the little things are big things. How do you become great? You serve. Serving is not just something that we do, a servant is who we are. Jesus looks at you and says, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

  • a heart touched by god    February 2

    Money and giving are heart issues. A heart touched by God gives generously and starts with a tithe. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says: "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." No one is forced to give. We pray that you look at the word of God and give cheerfully, not under compulsion. We practice tithing, which means giving 10% of our income to Jesus by giving it to His church to fuel His mission.

  • Over and above    february 9

    In Matthew 6:24 Jesus introduces us to the concept of "mammon," a spirit tied to money. The spirit of mammon tries to block our generosity and our connection with God. But through tithing and generous giving, we break free from its grip. Generosity doesn't stop at the tithe. We are called to give over and above, what we call "Kingdom Builders." This is about asking ourselves, "How much can I give over the tithe? How much should I keep?" It's not about the legalistic approach but about a heart touched by God's generosity.

  • Biblical and personal finance    february  15

    Financial stewardship is a journey. It's about aligning our hearts with God's principles and trusting Him to guide us. We experience freedom and joy when we live according to God's design for our finances. Let's commit to being wise stewards, generous givers, and faithful followers of Christ. May we experience the abundant life that Jesus promised as we honor Him with our finances.